Analysis on worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) cases

Now a day, the virus of COVID-19 becomes a global health problem for human beings The main concern of this virus is that it can transmit from human-to-human The symptoms of this virus are similar to pneumonia One body to another body of human being transmissions have been described after only incubation times between 3 to 14 days It can spread through one infected hand to another during hand shake, and also due to contact with the infected surface of metal, glass, plastic, concrete, dirty places and even by fiber cloths The problem of this virus has been increased suddenly and captures the whole world Thus in this manuscript we reviewed the literature regarding this problem, so that people become aware about this Many studies have been analyzed in this manuscript and conclude that this virus may be survive on all surfaces for up to contact with sanitizer, ethanol, H2O2 (hydrogen per oxide) within 30-40 seconds Other chemicals may be sodium hypochlorite, benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine digluconate etc At present, no specific formula of drugs, vaccines are not available in India and at globe The method to vanish this virus is only to stop the chain and it is possible by the stop of movement of the human beings (lock down) Thus, the governments of all countries are trying to lock down their state and cities Only by precaution, human being can defeat this virus © 2020, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi All rights reserved
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