Features of the topographic anatomy of the rat trachea and the possibility of performing surgical interventions.

Relevance. The number of postoperative complications in surgical interventions on the trachea remains high despite the improvement of surgical techniques. One of the ways to improve the results of treatment is the development and study of new surgical interventions. Aim. The work is devoted to the study of the topographic and anatomical features of the structure of the rat trachea. Materials and methods. The study was performed using rats of the Wistar line and was approved by a local ethical committee. Methods of descriptive anatomy and morphology were used. Results. The obtained results made it possible to reveal features of the topographic-anatomical structure of the rat trachea such as: the presence of hyaline cartilages in the form of a ring; accrete cartilaginous rings forming the fusion of the X, Y, W forms; there are multiple clusters of mucoses-associated lymphatic tissue in the submucosal layer of the trachea; pronounced venous traheoidesis plexus; developed and dense adventitia of the trachea. The transition from a stratified epithelium to a ciliated epithelium occurs below the vocal cords in rats. According to the histological structure, the rat trachea wall is close to the human trachea and has adventitia, a cartilaginous framework, a submucosal osseous and a mucous membrane. Conclusion. These features of the structure of the trachea of Wistar rats allow them to be used to model pathology of the trachea and to develop surgical interventions.
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