Evaluation of bladder shape using transabdominal ultrasound: Feasibility of a novel approach for the detection of involuntary detrusor contractions

Conventional assessment of overactive bladder syndrome uses invasive pressure-measuring catheters to detect bladder contractions (urodynamics). We hypothesised that bladder shape changes detected and measured using transabdominal ultrasound scan could provide a non-invasive and clinically useful alternative investigation of bladder contractions. This feasibility study evaluated a novel transabdominal ultrasound scan bladder shape test during conventional urodynamics and physiological bladder filling. The aim was to initially evaluate and refine a non-invasive approach for detecting and quantifying bladder shape changes associated with involuntary bladder contractions. To develop measurement techniques and characterise bladder shape changes during bladder filling, healthy female volunteers (n=20) and women with overactive bladder symptoms who had previously undergone urodynamics (n=30) completed symptom questionnaires and bladder diaries. The bladder shape test protocol included consumption of 1 l water be...
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