Waste-package release rates for site suitability studies

Performance-assessment calculations in support of the site- suitability effort for the Yucca Mountain Project will address radionuclide transport arising from various disruptive scenarios. Here we present release rates of radionuclides from individual waste packages for scenarios involving various postulated forms of water intrusion, including increased infiltration rate as well as rock immediately surrounding an individual waste package becoming saturated with ground water. We examine: (1) effect of increased water infiltration rate on release rates; increases in radionuclide release rates resulting from water filling the annulus between the waste container and the surrounding rock, as well as water saturating the pores and fractures in the rock surrounding the waste package; (3) the effect of flow in fractures in the saturated rock on release rate; and (4) release of radionuclides to the mountain surface resulting from an exploratory borehole shaft intersecting a waste package. The radionuclides considered are Tc-99; I-129; Cs-135; Np- 237; Pu-239,240,242; and Am-241,243. Release rates are calculated for both the wet-drip bathtub and the wet-continuous water-contact modes, as described in the Working Group 2 report, applying equations as published by Sadeghi, et al., [1990] and as extended in the present report.
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