Skin cancer and other skin disorders in patients following solid organ transplantation

- Solid organ transplant patients have an increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas compared to the immunocompetent population, and often develop multiple and sometimes aggressive tumours. - There are few published studies or reviews, which provide guidance to the clinician in the management ofthese patients. - In the prevention of skin cancer in organ transplant patients, patient education about the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, sun protection, and the early recognition of (pre)malignant skin lesions should be emphasised. - Furthermore, close follow-up by a dermatologist and treatment of (pre)malignant lesions in an early stage are necessary. - Chemoprevention of skin cancer can be achieved through systemic retinoids. Reduction ofthe dose ofimmunosuppressive agents can be considered. - Excision is the first treatment of choice for squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas. In selected tumours curettage and electrodessication can be performed.
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