Using Plasmonic Copper Sulfide Nanocrystals as Smart Light-Driven Sterilants

As an efficient route to control pet overpopulation and develop neutered experimental animals, male sterilization via surgical techniques, chemical injections, and antifertility vaccines has brought particular attention recently. However, these traditional ways usually induce long-term adverse reactions, immune suppression, and serious infection and pain. To overcome the above limitations, we developed a platform in the present study by using plasmonic copper sulfide nanocrystals (Cu2–xS NCs) as intelligent light-driven sterilants with ideal outcomes. Upon NIR laser irradiation, these well-prepared Cu2–xS NCs can possess NIR-induced hyperthermia and generate high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Due to the cooperation of photothermal and photodynamic effects, these nanocrystals exhibited NIR-mediated toxicity toward Sertoli cells both in vitro and in vivo in a mild manner. We attribute the potential mechanism of cellular injury to the apoptosis-related death and denaturation of protein in the test...
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