Partial Cystectomy for the Myogenic Decompensated Bladder with Excessive Residual Urine

Partial cystectomy was performed for myogenic decompensated bladder with excessive residual urine in 11 patients, in whom training instructions and pharmacological treatment were unsuccessful. Postoperatively, the patients were followed for 2–13 years (median 4 years). Both symptoms and residual urine were reduced permanently. Urodynamic testing had demonstrated underactive detrusor function in all. The supposed etiology was infravesical obstruction in 4, overdistension due to sensory bladder paresis in 3 and unknown in 4. Histological examination of the resected bladders showed focal degeneration of the smooth muscle cells (detrusor myopathy) in 7, transmural edema and vast deposits of collagen in 8, mastocytosis in 3 and eosinophilic cystitis in 1. In conclusion we regard partial cystectomy an alternative to clean intermittent self-catheterization in selected patients with excessive residual urine.
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