Prediction of the RNA Secondary Structure Using a Multi-Population Assisted Quantum Genetic Algorithm

: Quantum-inspired genetic algorithms (QGAs) were recently introduced for the prediction of RNA secondary structures, and they showed some superiority over the existing popular strategies. In this paper, for RNA secondary structure prediction, we introduce a new QGA named multi-population assisted quantum genetic algorithm (MAQGA). In contrast to the existing QGAs, our strategy involves multi-populations which evolve together in a cooperative way in each iteration, and the genetic exchange between various populations is performed by an operator transfer operation. The numerical results show that the performances of existing genetic algorithms (evolutionary algorithms [EAs]), including traditional EAs and QGAs, can be significantly improved by using our approach. Moreover, for RNA sequences with middle-short length, the MAQGA improves even this state-of-the-art software in terms of both prediction accuracy and sensitivity.
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