Hormonal and metabolic response in elite female gymnasts undergoing strenuous training and supplementation with SUPRO® Brand Isolated Soy Protein

Background. This study evaluates the metabolic and hormonal response in elite female gymnasts undergoing strenuous training and supplementation with SUPRO® Brand Isolated Soy Protein. Methods. Experimental design: 14 top female gymnasts (Romanian Olympic Team), took part in a study to examine their hormonal metabolic profile and to investigate any possible changes resulting from a 4-month program of strenuous training and daily supplementation with soy protein at a level of 1 g/kg body weight. Gymnasts wtare randomly assigned to one of two groups seven to the Supplemented Group (A) and seven to the Non-Supplemented Group (B). Both groups took part in the same program, wich consisted of strenuous training for 4-6 hours/day (except on Sunday, controlled food intake and supplements including vitamins and minerals. Group A received a supplement of Sports Beverage Protein Mix with SUPRO® Isolated Soy Protein (ISP) twice daily. Group B received a placebo identical in appearance and flavour. Selected parameters were measured before and after the 4-month training program (lean body mass, fat mass, serum hemoglobin, protein, fats, urea and creatinine, liver enzymes, serum total calcium and magnesium, immunoglobulins, urinary mucoproteins, serum T 3 and T 4 , estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone and urinary 17-ketosteroids). Results. Results demonstrated that the Supplemented Group (A) had an increase in lean body mass and serum levels of prolactin (p<0.01) and T 4 and a decrease in serum alkaline phosphetases (p<0.01). The Non-Supplemented Group (B) had a decreased level of serum T 4 and an increased level of urinary mucoproteins (p<0.05). Conclusions. Our preliminary conclusions might suggest lower metabolic-hormonal stress in elite female gymnasts undergoing strenuous training and who received daily supplementation with isolated soy protein.
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