Concepts for mars on-orbit robotic sample capture and transfer

A potential Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission would require robotic autonomous capture and manipulation of an Orbital Sample (OS) before returning the samples to Earth. An orbiter would capture the OS, manipulate to a preferential orientation, transition it through the steps required to break-the-chain with Mars, stowing it in a containment vessel or an Earth Entry Vehicle (EEV) and providing redundant containment to the OS (for example by closing and sealing the lid of the EEV). In this paper, we discuss the trade-space of concepts generated for both the individual aspects of capture and manipulation of the OS, as well as concepts for the end-to-end system. Notably, we discuss concepts for OS capture, manipulation of the OS to orient it to a preferred configuration, and steps for transitioning the OS between different stages of manipulation, ultimately securing it in a containment vessel or Earth Entry Vehicle.
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