Ocena skuteczności zastosowania treningów pionizacyjnych oraz edukacji pacjenta w prewencji omdleń odruchowych u chorych z zespołem wazowagalnym, hospitalizowanych w Klinice Choroby Wieńcowej i Niewydolności Serca w latach 2010–2015

Introduction . Tilt training (TT) is a form of therapy usually proposed to patients with malignant or recurrent form of reflex  syncope syndrome, which causes deterioration of quality of life and carries the risk of injuries. Traditionally, TT involves  maintaining an upright posture against the wall for the extending period of time. The use of TT in the therapy of reflex  syncope has been mentioned in the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology only as a possible method of  treatment in a selected group of patients (IIb, B).  The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the therapy including intensified in-hospital tilt training and  simultaneous patient education in prevention of reflex syncope. Materials and methods . The study included 33 patients (19 women) aged 17–69 (average 40) with vasovagal syncope  syndrome who were hospitalized in 2010–2015 in the Department of Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure in order  to undergo TT therapy and syncope prevention education. The average number of TT sessions was 4 (1–9). Treatment  effects were assessed using telephone survey and the medical records analysis. The effectiveness of the applied therapy  in reflex syncope prevention and adherence to the therapy have been established, including the level of anxiety due to syncope recurrence, quality of life after treatment and subjective effectiveness of the applied therapy. Results . The mean follow-up period was 1.6 years. During the follow-up 22 patients (66.7%) continued TT, 30 (91%)  applied anti-syncope maneuvers, 29 (88%) increased the liquids consumption, 17 (51.5%) were trying to avoid high-risk  for syncope situations. Twenty-four patients (72.7%) had no recurrence of syncope during the follow-up period. Twenty-  -nine patients (88%) reported improvement in the quality of life. Thirty-one patients (94%) experienced reduction in the  anxiety level associated with the possibility of recurrent syncope. Average rating of usefulness of the undergone therapy,  assessed by the patients, in the prevention of reflex syncope was 9.3 out of 10. Conclusions . 1. High adherence to the syncope prevention recommendations is an important cause of the low recurrence  rates of syncope in the study group of patients with vasovagal syncope. 2. The use of the non-pharmacological  therapies such as tilt training and patient education has an important role for improving the quality of life and for reduction  of the anxiety in patients with vasovagal syncope. 3. Needs to be highlighted a very high subjective assessment  of patients with vasovagal syncope regarding the relevance and effectiveness of the applied therapy.
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