Choir in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

Introduction: Patients with respiratory diseases have a high prevalence of anxiety and depression that may be associated with different reasons. With the gradual deterioration imposed by the disease, the patient presents “losses” in several areas: leisure, social, professional and interpersonal. One of the activities that can express psychic and sociocultural development is music, since it adds values and meanings that come from desires and feelings ranging from individual to social development. Objective: To compare and check the possible benefits of amateur choral singing activity in a group of patients with respiratory disease Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program. Methods: Retrospective qualitative, discriminative study through structured interview analysis and medical records. We analyzed 45 patients undergoing treatment in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program who participated or not in the Choir in the period from 2012 to 2015, the answers were grouped into 4 large groups: socialization, emotional, physical and did not know how to respond. Results: Of the 45 patients interviewed, 20 participated in coral (G1) and 25 did not participate in coral (G2), the subjective perception regarding the benefits of this activity were: socialization G1 = 25% and G2 = 44% total group 36%; Emotional G1 = 50% and G2 = 40% total of the group 44%; Physics G1 = 25% and G2 = 8% total of group 16; Did not answer G1 = 0% and G2 = 8% total of the group 4%. Conclusion: Patients participating in the activity of Choral Singing have as main benefit the social and emotional factors being this activity potentiating this treatment of health.
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