34 Mental health simulation for non- mental health professionals in an acute and community setting

Background Macclesfield Hospital in Cheshire East has a Liaison Psychiatry service providing psychiatry input and wider staff education. Cheshire East has a higher than average number of people with Dementia, a higher than average number of hospital stays for self-harm and a higher than average admission rate for alcohol in those under 18 (Living Well for Longer in Cheshire East, 2013). No Health Without Mental Health (2011) highlights the importance that all NHS staff should have training in mental health, especially as 30% of those with a long term physical health condition also have a mental health problem (Barnett et al , 2012). Aims and hypothesis We hypothesised that staff working in a physical health setting supporting patients with co-morbid mental health needs, dementia or alcohol misuse, would have increased knowledge, feel more confident and have increased positive attitudes towards patients with these needs following the training. Method Initial training needs analysis indicated that we needed to provide training in depression, suicide risk assessment, alcohol misuse and challenging behaviour in dementia. We devised and delivered: A compulsory prerequisite e-learning package around basic mental health awareness. Multi-professional training days for community and acute hospital based staff A face to face, mixed method training approach using PowerPoint, video, simulation, roleplay and discussion. Staff were surveyed using validated measures: Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale (ADKS), Revised Depression Attitude Questionnaire (R-DAQ) and the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire (SAAPPQ). Results Final results still pending. Conclusions The training is achieving its aims of improving knowledge, skills and attitudes. We are working to ensure that the learning is embedded in systems within the hospital and hope to extend the training Practice Nurses and local authority staff. With NWSEN we hope to partner with other hospitals across the North West to deliver this.
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