An online tool to support exercise in type 1 diabetes

Abstract Objective Hypoglycaemia related to exercise and lack of confidence to exercise, are common in T1DM. An online educational exercise tool (ExT1D) was tested to determine whether these parameters can be improved. Research Design And Methods Thirty two adults with T1DM (50%M, age 35.8±9.5yr diabetes duration 12.3±9.9yr, median HbA1c 7.1%[ICR 6.4-7.7] NGSPU) exercising ≥60min/week enrolled in a RCT utilising ExT1D, with partial cross-over design. The primary end-point was Exercise-related hypoglycaemia (ErH) number corrected for exercise session number, with ErH defined as CGM episodes Research In the RCT a 50% lower median ErH number (P=0.6) (Table 1), and 37% lower ErH number per exercise session (P=0.06, NS primary endpoint) occurred in the Intervention vs Control group. A 49% lower ErH duration per episode (P=0.2), and 80% less ErH duration (P=0.3), were also observed in the Intervention vs Control group (Table 1). In the longitudinal study, ErH number reduced by 43% (p=0.088), ErH duration per episode by 52% (P=0.157) and total duration of ErH fell by 71% (p=0.015). Confidence to prevent glucose lowering by exercise also improved (p=0.039). Post-hoc analysis showed those with the greatest ErH events at baseline benefited most. Fructosamine and HbA1c levels were unchanged from baseline. Conclusions ExT1D can reduce exercise-related hypoglycaemia and provide greater confidence to exercise.
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