Вплив індолінорену на гістоструктуру нирок на моделі гліцеролової гострої ниркової недостатності

Acute renal failure is one of the most severe conditions of kidney damage. This syndrome is characterized by a sharp decrease in excretory renal function with azotemia and significant violations of water-salt homeostasis, which causes the use of diuretics. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the new derivative 2-oxoindolin under the conditional name “Indolinoren” on the kidney histrotructure of rats with experimental glixerroid acute renal failure model. Materials and methods. Acute renal failure in the experiment was reproduced by intramuscular administration of 50% glycerol solution in the dose of 10 ml/kg to the rats. The performed researches do not contradict the generally accepted bioethical norms, conducted in compliance with the relevant international regulations on conducting experimental research. The investigated compound “Indolinoren” was administered intragastrically in a conditional therapeutic dose of 29.5 mg / kg. As a comparator was selected the loop diuretic - furosemide (5 mg/kg). Results and discussion. The obtained data from the morphological study of renal tissue indicate a potent nephroprotective action of compound “Indolinoren”. It was established that the investigated compound “Indolinoren” reduces necrosis of nephrocytes of the tubules of the main parts of the nephrons and reduces the obstruction of the lumen of the tubules by homogeneous cylinders by 1.7 times relative to the control group. On the background of the introduction of “Indolinoren”, the absence of disorganization and degeneration of the nephrocytes of the distal and proximal parts of the tubules of the nephrons was noted, the number of tubules in the cortico-medullary zone and the cerebral layer was clearly reduced, manifestations of acute lesions mostly remain at the level of the renal cortex. It is established that the severity of nephroprotective effect of new substance with the nominal name "Indolinoren" on the histrotructure of kidney of rats with acute renal failure is not inferior in compare to the diuretic furosemide. Conclusions. On the model of glixerroid acute renal failure, the compound “Indolinoren” exhibits a potent nephroprotective effect, substantially reducing pathological manifestations in the nephron tubules system. The compound “Indolinoren” promotes the reduction of necrosis of nephrons, vacuolal dystrophy of the nephrotelium and obstruction of the lumen of the tubules with homogeneous cylinders. The manifestations of acute lesion remain mainly at the level of the kidney cortex
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