Kutanöz Malign Granüler Hücreli Tümör: Olgu Sunumu

Introduction: Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a rare, benign tumor which is especially localized on the skin, tongue and oral cavity. It is also called Abrikossof tumor. Clinically, GCT appears as a painless, itchy nodule and it is generally smaller than 3 cm. The incidence of GCT ranges from 0.017 % to 0.029 % and besides 1% -7% of these tumors show malignant characterization. Case Report: Sixtyseven–years-old female patient, referred to our clinic with a nodule which had been localized on the left gluteal region for 20 years. The nodule was excised from the same area two years ago. The patient had a reoperation to excise the recurrence atypical malignant granular cell tumor with 3 cm margins in our clinic. Superficial inguinal lymph node dissection was also performed. Conclusions: Clinical diagnosis of GCT is difficult and definitive diagnosis is based on only immunohistochemical analysis. Malignancy is related with tumor size and its fast growing pattern. Furthermore, regional lymph nodes, brain, bones and lungs are distant metastasis areas. Wide local excision is the first principle of the treatment of GCT. However if the regional lymph nodes are involved, lymph node dissection must also be carried out. Due to its rarity, there is no standard recommended excision margin in the literature. In our case, the tumor was excised with 3 cm margins. In conclusion, this rare tumor has to be taken seriously like malignant melanoma. The most critical point is to excise the tumor with adequate margins and search for distant metastasis in details. Keywords: Cutaneous Granular Cell Tumor, Abrikossof’s Tumor
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