Modeling Alcohol's Effects on Organs in Animal Models

Researchers have developed numerous animal models to investigate the development of various alcohol-related diseases. Such models have provided insights into the mechanism through which alcohol can induce liver damage. Animal models also have helped researchers explore the mechanisms by which both short-term (e.g., binge) and long-term drinking can interfere with the function of the heart, a condition referred to as alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, animal models have provided substantial information on the causes of fetal alcohol syndrome. Such models have demonstrated that exposure to alcohol during gestation can lead to prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, characteristic facial malformations, immune system deficiencies, and alterations in the central nervous system. KEY WORDS: animal model; chronic AODE (effects of AOD [alcohol or other drug] use, abuse, and dependence); in vitro study; body part; body fluid; alcoholic liver disorder; alcoholic cardiomyopathy; fetal alcohol syndrome; alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder; ethanol metabolism
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