Tracheobronchial stenting for airway malacia

Abstract Tracheobronchomalacia is a rare but clinically troublesome condition in paediatrics. The softening of the major airways – which can include some or all of the tracheobronchial tree can lead to symptoms ranging from the minor (harsh barking cough, recurrent chest infections) to severe respiratory difficulties including prolonged ventilator support and ‘near death attacks'. The causes are broadly divided into intrinsic softening of the airway wall which is considered a primary defect (e.g. syndromes; post tracheo-oesophageal fistula repair; extreme prematurity) or secondary malacia due to external compression from vascular structures or cardiac components. These secondary changes can persist even when the external compression is relieved, for example, following the repair of a pulmonary artery sling or double aortic arch. For children with severe clinical symptoms attributed to malacia, consideration is given to possible surgical remedies such as an aortopexy for short limited areas of malacia, or long term positive pressure support with CPAP either by non invasive or tracheostomy interface. More recently the role of stenting in children is receiving attention, especially with the development of newer techniques such as bioabsorbable stents which buy time for a natural history of improvement in the malacia to occur. This paper reviews the stents available and discusses the pros and cons of stenting in paediatric airway malacia.
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