Optimizing nutrition of older people as a mean of preventing premature aging

: Introduction to action GOST 33302-2015 "Fresh agricultural products. Guidance for irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment" on the territory of the Russian Federation regulating the use of radiation processing to extend shelf life and improve storability of fresh agricultural products requires commodity market understanding - to what extent and under what conditions this technology will allow you to keep the nutritional value of agricultural raw materials and meet the safety requirements in accordance with the Technical regulations of the Customs Union 021/2011 "On food safety". Currently there is no science-based regulation of radiation doses that would allow you to preserve the nutritional value of products, including antioxidant activity. Apples are the most accessible and widely distributed representative of fruit products in the consumer market of the country, characterized by a high content of antioxidants. The experimental material was investigated by a retrospective method. To confirm the fact of irradiation/non-irradiation, control samples of apples of different pomologic varieties ("Pink Lady", "Granny Smith", "Golden Delicess", "Gloster") were identified on the consumer market using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The results of the study confirm that antioxidant content is due to the pomological belonging to a particular class and structure of the fruit (pulp or juice without pulp). The antioxidant activity (AOA) of freshly squeezed (untreated) juices, in contrast to the AOA of apples have lower rates and is lower for pomological variety "Pink lady" by 13.8%, for grade "Granny Smith" - by 22.0%, for the variety "Golden delicious" by 22.6% for class "Gloucester" by 23.0%, respectively. Studies have been conducted on the effect of various doses of ionizing radiation on antioxidant activity of fresh apples by potentiometric method using the K3[Fe(CN6)]/K4[Fe(CN6)] mediator system. Test samples of fresh apples were treated with ionizing radiation using a linear accelerator of electrons in doses from 1 to 12 kGy. AOA of experimental samples of fresh apples of pomological variety "Pink Lady" after irradiation with a dose of 12 kGy decreased by 4.5 fold compared with unirradiated samples, in apple varieties "Granny Smith" - by 2.9 fold, "Golden delishes" and "Gloucester" - by 3.1 fold, respectively. With an increase in irradiation dose of more than 3 kGy, the most intense decrease in antioxidant content occurs. A high correlation coefficient between the dose of irradiation and the content of antioxidants in the experimental samples of fresh apples of different pomologic varieties has been established - from 0.94 to 0.99. The obtained experimental data allow us to propose a limitation of the radiation dose to 3 kGy in order to preserve the antioxidant potential of fresh apples.
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