Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections in neurosurgical patients.

Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a common and costly worldwide problem, which is reflected in the local Neurosurgery unit where the nature of neurosurgical conditions means that bladder dysfunction is often managed with urinary catheterisation. Research studies have identified a link between urinary catheterisation and UTIs that are not only costly to the health service but also potentially life threatening. The aim of this dissertation is to identify ways of reducing the risk of catheter-associated UTIs in neurosurgical patients. It is concluded from the literature review that there are three main ways of reducing risk: i) avoiding unnecessary catheterisation and looking for alternative management of urinary problems, ii) delivering evidence-based catheter care where catheterisation is unavoidable and iii) prompt removal of catheters when they are no longer clinically indicated. Recommendations for practice based on these three conclusions are presented.
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