Mathematical Principle About the Mass Change of Moving Object Along with the Velocity

British physicist Paul Dirac, using Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity, and Erwin Schrodinger's theory, clever reasoning obtained the behavior of electrons and positrons, and predicted antiparticles presence. In the standard model Higgs field at the center of the thought lies in: even if is in a state of lowest energy, space is not empty. Through particle in the space will be more or less with the Higgs field, the effect to make particles in motion produced a "sticky" characteristics, namely mass, as a result of the Higgs field is not carrying a net electric charge or colors, photon and gluons don't interact with it, so there is still no mass, for the mass of the neutrinos. Based on these use quaternion, matrix method and linear combination of relationship, combined with Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity, and Louis de Broglie's thought, it is concluded that there are the three kinds of changes in the mass of moving objects, the relativistic state, the phase state, the relativistic state and phase state superimposed "superposition state", and through the use of de Broglie theory of phase harmony theorem, deduced the mass of moving object, regardless is in the relativity state ,or in the phase state, the same wavelength of matter waves, according to their different frequency propagation, their momentum is equal, and predicted that the mass of a moving object, in the relativistic state and the phase state "superposition state" , the same wavelength of matter waves, according to a different frequency propagation, momentum is equal, and research the relationship between mass and energy of moving objects, obtained the evolution models of particles and anti-particles, and the mass model of elementary particles.
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