Regression of a case of Multiple Myeloma with antiviral treatment in a patient with chronic HCV infection

We report a case of a 54 year old patient with Multiple Myeloma (MM) and chronic HCV infection. In 2005 MM was diagnosed and a chemotherapy was prescribed. Before starting treatment a chronic HCV infection was found. When she came to our Institution for a second opinion, chemotherapy treatment was not considered immediately necessary so the patient was treated for the HCV chronic infection (Pegilated alpha-Interferon 180 μg/week and Ribavirin 1000 mg p.o./day). After one month of treatment she presented a reduction of Bence Jones protein (BJ) that further decreased in the following three months. The antiviral treatment was suspended after six months and a re-evaluation showed a complete viral response and a regression of MM. Sixty-eight months after the end of antiviral treatment the patient is asymptomatic and presents a condition compatible with an M-GUS. While the association between HCV infection and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is consolidated and it is clearly demonstrated that antiviral treatment in these patients can induce a high proportion of partial and complete remission, a similar effect was never described in MM. The response obtained in our patient may suggest a possible a role of HCV in the pathogenesis of MM.
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