[Mucinous cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas of the pancreas--the pancreaticoscopy as a new device for endoscopic and histological diagnosis].

: Recent advances in diagnostic imaging procedures offer the opportunity for detection of rare cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Cystadenomas of the pancreas have been reported to represent 10% of cystic pancreatic lesions. Serous microcystic cystadenoma, megacystic mucinous and duct-ectatic mucinous cystadenoma were distinguished. While the serous cystadenoma is benign, in general the megacystic and the duct-ectatic mucinous cystadenoma have a significant malignant potential. With pancreatoscopy, a rather new endoscopic technique, five cases of mucinous megacystic cystadenoma were diagnosed preoperatively by macroscopic and microscopic means. In one case, development of malignant neoplasm was diagnosed, one patient did not undergo surgery because of her age. Three patients were operated (total pancreatectomy in one case, duodeno-hemipancreatectomy in two cases) and are without any further signs of recurrence and free of symptoms in a one year to four year clinical follow-up.
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