Lazer para idosos que residem em instituições de longa permanência

Introduction: Aging is a process that involves loss of functional activities and a propensity to fall ill. It is understood that everyday experiences and practices are associated with the perception of quality of life, in which leisure activities are the result of choices taking on the function of rest, personal and social entertainment. Objective: To identify the type of leisure activity offered in a long-term care facility for the elderly and adherence according to the level of dependency. Methods: It was a quantitative, transversal and descriptive research. Results: 14 professionals from the assistance team participated in the research. We found that 100% of independent elderly people adhere to physical exercise, attending church and chatting as leisure activities; 92.86% of partially dependent elderly people choose to watch television (TV) and chat; 100% dependent elderly people adhere to the practice of watching TV. We found that 92.86% of leisure activities are offered through voluntary service and by employees of the institution itself. Conclusion: There was a diversity of leisure activities offered, even though the elderly have a certain degree of dependence to develop them, their practice being considered important by the team, in which adherence is closely related to aspects such as individual conceptions of leisure and health circumstances.
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