Miller-Fisher Syndrome: A Case Report

OZETMiller-Fisher sendromu ataksi, oftalmopleji ve arefleksi ile karakterizedir ve Guillain Barre sendromunun bir varyant1 olduu du_unulmektedir. Miller-Fisher sendromu tum Guillain Barre sendromlu olgular1n %5-8'ini olu_turur. Ani ba_lang1cl1 eksternal oftalmopleji Miller-Fisher sendromunun kardinal bulgusudur. Miller-Fisher sendromu Guillain Barre sendromundan yaln1zca birkac klinik ozellikle ay1rt edilebilmekte, laboratuvar bulgular1 ozgun olmad11 icin tan1 ancak hastal1ktan _uphelenildii durumda konulabilmektedir. Yurume ataksisi, oftalmopleji ve derin tendon reflekslerinde azalma saptanan be_ ya_1ndaki k1z olguda beyin omurilik s1v1s1nda albuminositolojik disosiyasyon, elektromiyografide alt ekstremite distallerinde mikst tip polinoropati bulgular1yla birlikte Miller-Fisher sendromu tan1s1 konuldu. 0ntravenoz immunoglobulin 1 g/kg/doz iki gun kullan1ld1. Oldukca nadir gorulen bir antite olmas1 nedeniyle hat1rlatmak amac1yla sunuldu.Anahtar sozcukler: Miller-Fisher sendromu, Guillain Barre sendromu, intravenoz immunglobulin.Miller-Fisher Syndrome: A Case ReportSUMMARYMiller-Fisher syndrome is characterized by gait ataxia, external ophtalmoplegia and areflexia and thought as an uncommon variant of Guillain Barre syndrome. Miller-Fisher syndrome is observed in about 5-8% of all Guillain Barre syndrome cases. Acute onset of external ophthalmoplegia is a cardinal feature of Miller-Fisher syndrome. Miller-Fisher syndrome can be distinguished from Guillain Barre syndrome by a few clinical features. Because the laboratory findings of the Miller-Fisher syndrome are nonspecific, its the diagnosis based on clinical suspicion of the disease. A five year old girl with gait ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, hyporeflexia, cerebrospinal fluid and electromyographic findings was diagnosed with Miller-Fisher syndrome. Intravenous immunoglobulin (1g/kg/dose) was given for two days. The aim of the case presented here is to remind this very uncommon antity.Key words: Miller-Fisher syndrome, Guillain Barre syndrome, intravenous immunoglobulin.
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