Polimorfismos asociados a disfunción endotelial y a un estado protrombótico en jóvenes mexicanos con infarto cerebral

Objetivo: Examinar la contribucion de los polimorfismos G20210A, G1691A y G10976A en los factores de coagulacion FII, FV y FVII respectivamente; Glu298Asp y C677T en la oxido nitrico sintasa endotelial y 5,10 metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa, en poblacion joven mexicana con infarto cerebral (IC). Methods: 224 patients ≤ 45 years of age with CI and 224 controls matched by age and gender were recruited from 2006 and 2014. The polymorphisms were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results: We identified a significant difference in the genotype distribution of Glu298Asp (p = 0.001) and C677T (p = 0.01) polymorphisms between CI patients and control groups. The genotype distribution in the FII G20210A, FV G1691A and FVII G10976A polymorphisms were similar. There were independent factors for ischemic stroke: Glu298Asp and C677T polymorphisms, smoking; hypertension, and familial history of thrombotic disease. Conclusiones: Los polimorfismos Glu298Asp y C677T, pero no FII G20210A, FV G1691A y FVII G10976A, se asociaron con IC. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la disfuncion endotelial en interaccion sinergica con otros factores de riesgo, como tabaquismo e hipertension, contribuye al IC en individuos jovenes.
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