клю ч евые слова: клещевой энцефалит; хронический клещевой энцефалит; сибирский подтип вирус клещевого энце- фалита; персистенция; вакцинотерапия; иммунитет; антитела.

1 . VAccINE thERApy OF chRONIc tIcK-BORNE ENcEphALItIS 1 Chumakov Institute of polyomielitis and viral encephalitides of Russian academy of medical sciences, 142782, Moscow, Russia; 2 Aldan central hospital, 678900 Republic Saha (Yakutia), Aldan, Russia. Chronic tick-borne encephalitis (CTBE) is a severe form of the disease, leading to permanent disability and death. Most cases of CTBE caused Siberian subtype of a virus of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), dominant in the Russian Federation. The pathogenesis of CTBE associated with persistence of TBEV in the central nervous system and the organs of the immune system. Specific vaccine therapy with using of inactivated full-virion vaccines prevents immunosuppression, leading to activation of persisting tick-borne encephalitis. The article describes various schemes of CTBE vaccinotherapy. Dynamics of humoral im- munity in CTBE caused by Siberian subtype of TBEV. In the early stages and during remission antibodies against this subtype are detected. Vaccine therapy increases the level of immunity to all subtypes of TBEV, slowing the progression of the disease. In seronegative status of the patient vaccine therapy is not effective: from the central nervous system of a deceased patient severe strain «Zausaev» was isolated. Mechanisms of high immunity after 30-32 years after vaccinу therapy and advantages of vac- cine therapy compared with treatment of CTBE using specific immunoglobulin are discussed. Key w ords: tick-borne encephalitis; chronic tick-borne encephalitis; Siberian subtype of tick-borne encephalitis virus; persistence; vaccine therapy; immune system; antibodies.
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