Information significance of hemostasiological disturbances in development of "early" sepsis in seriously burned patients.

Sepsis developing in early periods of the burn disease is characterized by extremely severe and lightning-like course, diagnostic complexity, increased lethality. The hemostasis system state and biochemical blood metabolites were studied in 100 patients with severe burns, among them, the burn disease was complicated by sepsis in 33 patients, it wasn’t observed in 67 patients. It has been clearly shown that “early” sepsis development in the seriously burned patients occurred against unbalance of the hemostasis system: an increased coagulation potential and a sharp decrease of blood anticoagulation mechanisms. Hemastasiological disorders were accompanied by the kidneys and liver increased functional deficiency. The hemostasis system indexes can be included into complex examinations of patients aimed at prognosis of development, identification and estimation of severity of “early” sepsis in seriously burned patients.
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