Spread of maternal HIV infection in Scotland from 1990 to 1992.

In Scotland since January 1990, unlinked anonymous testing of Guthrie cards has documented maternal HIV-1 antibody in neonatal blood. District postcode and quarter year of birth determined prevalence and spread of infection. The Fujirebio particle agglutination assay screened for HIV-1 antibody, with confirmation by ELISA and full western blotting. Births to known HIV infected women were reported to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 0.3/1000 childbearing women were infectedwith HIV-1 with no significant increase from 1990 to 1992. Spread of infection from 11 to 26 districts has occurred. In 1990, 74%(14/19) of HIV positive deliveries were known to obstetricians falling to 33%(7/21) in 1992. Spread of HIV-1 infection has occurred to mothers who live outside closely defined areas and who do not belong to recognised high risk groups. In Scotland, two thirds of mothers and their infants will not receive early prophylactic care for their HIV disease.
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