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Do all lupus patients need statins

Abstract Statin therapy decreases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates when used as either primary or secondary prevention. An immunomodulating effect of statins has been suggested. Incontrovertible evidence of accelerated atheroma has been obtained in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Routine statin therapy in SLE patients might therefore produce both cardiovascular and immunological benefits. However, routine statin therapy is inappropriate in SLE patients, the main reason being the absence of a vast interventional study done specifically in this population. An immunomodulating role for statins in SLE has not been convincingly established. The effect of statin therapy on markers for subclinical atheroma (intima-media thickness changes over time) is unclear, and there are no studies proving that statins are effective when used for primary or secondary cardiovascular prevention. Nevertheless, we believe that a serum lipid profile should be obtained once a year in all SLE patients. There is a sound rationale for classifying all SLE patients as being at high cardiovascular risk and those receiving secondary prevention as at very high risk. Consequently, the serum LDL-cholesterol level must be kept below 100 mg/dL and 70 mg/dL in these two populations, respectively. Statins are the only widely recommended drugs for achieving these treatment targets. Statin therapy requires specific monitoring precautions (transaminase levels) given the high prevalence of comorbidities and use of concomitant medications in SLE patients.
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